If you are operating a site which is of critical national importance then you will be aware of the high risk and vulnerability you face every day, in addition to building services issues. That is why you need Apardion to provide first class security and building services for your CPNI site in Scotland, so get in touch today.

The importance of security and building services for CPNI sites

CPNI stands for Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure and is a UK Government authority. CPNI sites are where protective security advice is provided to the national infrastructure for businesses such as communications, emergency services, energy, finance, food, Government, health and transport. These types of sites are vulnerable to terrorism and other forms of disruption which could cause serious consequences for the national infrastructure.

A CPNI site also needs to function efficiently and with strict levels of compliance, and hence these are businesses and premises which require specialist forms of security and building services.

Our work with CPNI sites in Scotland

Apardion are based in Aberdeen but have sites and resources across the Scotland area. This allows us to be adaptable and responsive to the needs of the CPNI sector.

  • Vetted, trained and accredited personnel
  • Flexible to your site needs
  • Full site risk assessment to identify key hazards and site requirements
  • Bespoke range of security and building services solutions
  • Fast and responsive resources stationed across Scotland

Our CPNI site security solutions

When we make security and building services proposals for your CPNI site in Scotland we will deliver a range of solutions tailored to your exact needs. These can include:


Building Services

Contact Apardion today for CPNI site security and building services in Scotland

We can provide a no-obligation proposal for your security and building services if you contact us today.

At Apardion we have the knowledge, skills and experience and a client-based approach to ensure you get an individual solution which reflects the critical nature of your operations, so contact us today and we can implement full security and building services for your CPNI site without delay.

General Enquiries

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