Why Being SIA-Approved Really Matters When Choosing A Reliable Security Company
When you are searching for a new security partner for your business, there are many unknowns in terms of the characteristics you need. You are looking to build a solid working relationship with any contractor you use, and with security you need to know, amongst many other things, if they are reliable, can communicate well and have high standards of work.
It can be very hard to establish these things before you commit to signing-up with a security provider, but if you insist on them being SIA-approved then that is as close as you will get to a guarantee of a first class service in all respects. It is therefore of vital importance that your vetting and selection process includes a commitment to SIA approval, and here we explain why that is the case.
Identifying high performers
SIA stands for the Security Industry Authority, and they are a 100% independent body which regulates the industry and is able to hold security professionals to account. One of the ways in which it does this is through an Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS). This highlights the best performers in the security industry through a rigorous assessment and inspection programme. It ensures a high standard of safety and a quality of service through ranking security professionals, and its ratings are based on how a contractor exceeds the standard SIA requirements. Therefore, SIA-approval and the ACS is a way in which a business can guarantee long-term reduction in security risks, particularly because all accreditations are reviewed every three years.
Peace of mind
This is what good quality security is all about and therefore the peace of mind offered by having an SIA-approved security provider in place means you can concentrate your efforts and resources on core elements of the business, and where your areas of expertise lie. Security is the base requirement of a successful business and having this covered by an SIA-approved security contractor is best practice in terms of ensuring the highest standards, and also ensures you have leadership in this key position, because of the qualities being SIA-approved requires.
Should a security incident of some description occur – ie. theft, vandalism, trespass or unauthorised encampment – partnering with an SIA-approved security provider demonstrates to an insurance company that you have done everything possible to manage your security to a high standard. On a cost basis this could reduce your insurance premiums and should also increase the likelihood of an insurance company paying out.
An SIA-approved security provider will be in the best position to offer your business the service it needs and should also be flexible to respond to the different challenges your business faces. In terms of best quality security services this can include health surveillance, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, but can also include specific risks that you face due to your location, such as travelling communities, overnight vandalism or persistent nuisance. A good security provider will adapt and react to your needs.
Best quality
We have already spoken about how SIA accreditation ensures a certain standard of service, but there are elements to this which are not immediately obvious and which could have a direct influence on your business, these include:
- Customer service – an SIA-approved security professional will be customer-focused and be able to go above and beyond in providing a comprehensive and professional service
- Compulsory licensing – security contractors within an SIA-approved security company have to have SIA licences themselves, so the standard of service is continually maintained. If a security service is not SIA-approved, this licence requirement will not be necessary and therefore the service may become sub-standard
- Routine assessment – SIA-approved companies are routinely assessed to ensure their standards are being maintained
- Innovation – with a higher standard of service comes more commitment and the understanding of a two-way relationship with the client. So an SIA-approved security professional may bring new ideas and solutions such as CCTV technology to improve the service, improve workplace efficiency and ultimately improve your business
Contact Apardion for SIA-approved security services
If you want the best quality of security services and solutions, then contact Apardion today and we can work with you to deliver the peace of mind and professional security commitment your business needs.