Our CCTV systems

A CCTV security system can be a simple stand-alone system or a complex network of multi-site requirements. If you partner with Apardion for your CCTV system we will work with you to provide the most powerful visual deterrent, to protect your business against theft, vandalism and trespass, and also to provide accessible and shareable evidence for future use. Ultimately, our aim is to safeguard your business, and that includes your people, buildings, materials and equipment and the general public.

We can design, install and monitor CCTV systems anywhere across Scotland, so contact our team today.

  • Remote monitoring from our dedicated control centre
  • Fast, responsive action from SIA-licenced security professionals when security threats are identified
  • Remotely track intruders, issue audio warnings, despatch mobile patrols and call the emergency services as required
  • Comprehensive site solution based on a risk assessment of your site
  • Static, mobile and 360 degree cameras to give you full coverage
  • Can work in tandem with security guards, mobile patrols, alarm activation and key-holding services
  • State-of-the-art HD technology and easy playback, storage and sharing of footage
  • Robust hardware designed to cope with extreme weather
  • Wired or wireless technology to suit the demands of your site
  • Advanced analytics options to monitor intuitive surveillance (motion tracking, virtual tripwires, loitering alerts), face detection, smart searches, head counts and traffic control

Working with Apardion for your CCTV solutions

Our CCTV solutions are fully customisable to integrate with alarms and access control systems and our monitoring service provides an effective, single point of control for your complete security assurance.

We have installed CCTV systems to work effectively in many different industry sectors and have a trusted reputation for delivering robust and cost-effective security solutions designed to directly meet your needs.

Contact Apardion for the best CCTV systems in Scotland today.

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Our Security Services At A Glance

Access control services from Apardion

Practical and hi-tec solutions to suit your business

Security Guards from Apardion

Manned guarding and vacant property inspections

Key Holding services from Apardion

Storage and distribution, open/close responsibilities

Full-site coverage in tandem with existing systems

Land Rover Alarm Response

24/7 dedicated responsibility and emergency response

CCTV Operators

High quality flexible solutions

Apardion Waking Watch Services

Extra levels of fire safety