Why Should You Outsource Your Reception And Front Of House Function?

In today’s business climate, organisations in most industry sectors have learnt to be flexible and adaptable to face many different challenges. Most of these boil down to financial challenges such as cutting costs and managing overheads, but in recent years have also included the COVID-19 pandemic and flexible work patterns, which have introduced a whole new way of working. Many organisations have tailored their operations to meet these new demands and that has included a move towards outsourcing various functions, and reception and front-of-house is one of the most common examples of that. 

The importance of the reception and front-of-house function 

Regardless of your industry sector, first impressions count for a business and the reception and front-of-house function needs to be friendly and welcoming first and foremost, but also needs to reflect what your business represents; quality, professionalism, competence and efficiency.  

This function can tell a prospective or existing client how you operate and can be an effective brand ambassador for your business, but internally you also want this function to demonstrate the lean management style all businesses now have to embrace, by taking on multiple functions and being flexible and adaptable. And the best way to do that is to outsource reception and front-of-house services to a professional provider.  

The benefits of outsourcing your reception and front-of-house duties  

It is perfectly understandable to suggest that reception and front-of-house personnel can simply be recruited from within the business and with this being a specialist role, of course there are trained and competent people available on the job market just like any other function. However, the flexibility and adaptability required of this position in 2024 points towards outsourcing this function being the ideal solution for a progressive business. Here are the reasons why: 

  • Professional – A dedicated outsourcing company can provide reception and front-of-house personnel who are trained and competent in a range of industry sectors and who can seamlessly adapt without the need for resource-heavy induction. 
  • Tailored – While reception duties are common to most organisations, additional responsibilities can include a range of functions, such as security, conference hosting and health & safety monitoring. An outsourcing company such as Apardion has these dedicated resources on hand on a 24/7 basis. 
  • Licensed – Any security professional is required to be SIA licenced and Apardion can supply fully trained, accredited and licenced security personnel who can provide CCTV monitoring, access control duties, key-handling and alarm response duties.  
  • Support – Outsourcing this role gives you access to 24/7 support in emergency situations or where extra resources are required.  
  • Cover – By outsourcing this role you don’t have to worry about providing competent cover for holidays or illness, Apardion can provide suitable resources all day, every day to maintain a consistent and efficient operation.  
  • Training – An outsourcing company such as Apardion continually trains its resources to meet developing challenges to ensure the client always receives the very best and most legally compliant service. 
  • Flexible – An outsourced reception and front-of-house service can be adaptable to meet the needs of your business in terms of remote working, flexible working and 24/7 operations.  
  • Costs – Outsourcing this function removes various overhead costs from the business in terms of employment, as well as reducing the costs of hiring and training. 
  • Time – Essentially you are paying to outsource this function so you don’t have to worry about it, and this gives your key people the time and resources to dedicate to their core roles and responsibilities, and ultimately this makes your business leaner, more adaptable and more efficient.  

Contact Apardion today for professional reception and front-of-house resources 

At Apardion we have an industry-leading reputation for providing the best security services to many different organisational sectors, and this extends to the reception and front-of-house function. We can work with you to implement a tailored solution that meets the needs of your business with a dedicated, reliable and professional solution, so contact our team today 

The benefits of outsourcing reception and front of house functions.
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